The Elders Spoke of Signs & Wonders

Lorraine Currelley
3 min readSep 4, 2021


I am safe and filled with gratitude. My day and evening started with ongoing alerts and warnings via my mobile and calls from Con Edison via my landline. There were light rains during the day that increased in power as the evening progressed. Looking out from my window I witnessed heavily pouring rain, loud thunder and strong winds. There were no fallen trees and flooding. Neither was there human movement except for a car or two driving slowly, trying to navigate Hurricane Ida. I thought of and reflected on my childhood. The words of elders now ancestors. Elders who spoke of signs and wonders. References to the Holy Bible and ending times. They spoke of getting right with God.

I have witnessed stronger winds and heavier rains. Rain crashing against my windows, fallen trees, broken branches and ear piercing thunder. Time spent in prayer and thoughts of the signs and wonders affirming the words the elders spoke of.

The day after Hurricane Ida I awoke to sunlight. My immediate surroundings giving no evidence of Hurricane Ida the night before. My gratitude shadowed by a deeply felt sadness over the reported loss of lives. My condolences go out to the families of those who loss their lives. It was not until a conversation I had with a woman I met in the subway station did I learn of the extent of the damage left by Hurricane Ida. She spoke of crowded subway stations and difficulty trying to reach home from work and the three hours it took. She spoke of the highway and roadways littered with fallen trees and floods.

Again, I am reminded of the signs and wonders the elders spoke of. It is not nature’s fault! Hurricane Ida is not to be blame nor is she at fault. It is human greed and disregard for nature. The lack of respect, love and honor for all that nature provides for us. It is the abuse of her gifts. Corporate greed poisoning land, air and water. Greed creating disease and leaving death in
its path. Land grabbers through unjust laws stealing land from their rightful owners. Nature is fighting to protect herself. There are balances. This is the law of nature. Human greed takes, never gives nor replaces. Nature in her
loving mercy continues her fight to restore and heal the earth and universe
of human abuse. Ignorance prevails in the midst of death and warnings.
Fools selfishly speak of rights, never caring about the death and disease
their selfish ignorance spreads to others.

It is my hope that there will be an awakening of conscience. Climate change is real! Nature’s resources were not created for exploitation! Nature is not a corporate, group nor individual trash can! In the midst of rampant terror killings, murders, oppression, injustices, racism and suppression those who respect and honor nature and life remain strong and hope filled. There is a law of reaping what one sows. Abundant blessings and strength moving forward.

Lorraine Currelley



Lorraine Currelley

daughter/ancestor rooted intuitive writer/poet laureate/artist/curator/admin/mental health counselor& advocate